Why You Should Use the Hibiscus Flower (Sabdariffa) SPREAD

Why You Should Use the Hibiscus Flower (Sabdariffa) SPREAD

October 12, 2023

The Hibiscus Flower (Sabdariffa) is a shrub, which can easily reach 5 m in height and as much in width. The very beautiful flowers, isolated or grouped, are very easily recognizable. There are more than 500 different species, most cultivated as ornamental plants for their colorful flowers, but the one that interests us is Hibiscus sabdariffa. This shrub grows in tropical areas, especially in Guinea where it is native and then spread to the rest of West Africa, Botswana, and Congo. This plant is also known in Egypt, Sudan, the Central African Republic, and many countries. Not only does the plant have beautiful flowers many of us are familiar with but it is used for cooking and medicine too.

It is the national drink of Guinea, Mauritania, Mali, Senegal … It is also a very popular drink in Egypt and Sudan under the name of karkadé. We use the dried calyxes (flowers) in infusion by simply putting a few in very hot water. Sometimes mint leaves are added. But it can be eaten hot or cold, depending on the preference of each.

The Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) would promote the reduction of bad cholesterol and at the same time reduce the levels of triglycerides. In Africa, especially in Senegal, many people consume this natural drink to lose weight. Indeed, according to them, the Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) has a real slimming action and recognized for hundreds of years. In addition, the Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) also has positive effects on health, helping to reduce the level of blood sugar, an ideal product.

At Kassumay, we have a clear mission: to improve people’s health with everyday tasty superfoods and to bring communities together through food using family recipes that we grew up within Senegal.

Our unique organic Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) spreads are made with Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) calyces, which are the deep-red fruits with a cranberry-like flavor that forms beneath the beautiful hibiscus flower. Our spreads contain 82% fruit with only water and sugar added to give you healthy, fruity spreads. Enjoy our jams with toast, fruit scones, crusty bread, or even straight from the spoon!

Kassumay sweet or savory spreads are vegan, gluten-free, organic, and non-GMO. We use fruits grown In Senegal by local women in communities where women are empowered to help their families thrive.

Here are some benefits

1 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) acts on blood pressure and heart health

The Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) has hypotensive properties, that is to say, it helps fight against high blood pressure. It also has protective properties for the heart.

2 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) acts on cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is widely used, especially in Egypt, to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in people with metabolic syndrome

3 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is an antioxidant

The Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) has antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the cells of the body from the effect of free radicals, molecules that cause premature aging of cells, and the development of certain diseases related to aging: cancers, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.

It is also an excellent source of vitamins for the skin. Its consumption promotes the production of collagen. The organic acids present in the hibiscus flower help maintain the elasticity of the skin.

4 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) can act on diabetes

Studies have shown that drinking hibiscus tea at least once a day can help the body fight insulin resistance, thus helping to stabilize and maintain good blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

5 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) acts on obesity

Hibiscus has been shown to aid weight loss and prevent health problems associated with overweight and obesity.

6 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) acts on the urinary system

Hibiscus has excellent diuretic and antiseptic properties, so it is ideal for treating small urinary tract infections and preventing the formation of kidney stones.

7 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) acts on digestion

It is an excellent digestive that helps fight against mild disorders due to digestion.

8 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is an excellent toner

It helps fight against fatigue.

9 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) can replace drug treatments to fight certain physical and psychological illnesses

In certain traditional medicines, it is used to fight against depressive states which generate a lack of motivation, fatigue, laziness, and stress. With its antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, it helps to treat colds, coughs, sore throat, rhinitis, flu, and all inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. Thanks to its analgesic properties it is possible to relieve menstrual pain, but also to ease it. To treat oozing eczema, allergies, edemas, and dermatoses, it is used as a poultice. It fights anemia when consumed without sugar.

10 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is a concentrated juice with nutritional benefits

It gives energy thanks to Vitamin C. It is also rich in proteins, lipids, minerals, calcium, iron, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 …

11 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is an asset to our hair

It will strengthen your hair and stimulate the growth of your hair. It can also add volume with regular use. It helps reduce dry ends. The Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is suitable for all types of hair.

12 # Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is beneficial for pregnant women

The Hibiscus flower (Sabdariffa) is very good for pregnant women, firstly because it has several virtues already mentioned above in the lists. But also, because it is the ally of women who have risky pregnancies. And also, because it is a recognized natural galactagogue that helps promote the rise of milk.

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